
Adventure Sports

Given our founder’s experience and expertise for adventure sports and climbing, we organize many tours centered around rock climbing, kayaking, rafting, cycling and treks.


The expeditions and treks are mostly in Ladakh and some take across the Trans-Himalayan region including specifically in and around Sikkim. Trekking is a great way to overcome seemingly unsurpassable obstacles and challenges. It develops persistence, grit and the ability to endure.


We travel with trained guides and experts in the local region to learn more about the local ecosystem while we are on the go. Some key highlights of our tours include workshops on this sports for the first timers and to instill in them a healthy love and empathy towards the sport, trek or expedition one is undertaking.

Bird watching

Located on the high Tibetan plateau, the Changthang region is characterised by it’s vast highlands and giant lakes. It’s also home to the exquisite Tsomoriri lake, Tsokar (slat water lake) and Thatsa Buk lake  (designated Ramsar site), one of the highest lakes in the world.


The unique geography of Changthang allows for the visit of many migratory birds in the spring and summer season. The Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna. Approximately 44 different types of water birds and seasonal species of migratory birds can be found here.


One can expect to see Indian Golden Oriole, Long-tailed Shrike, Blue Whistling Thrush, Common Cuckoo, Common Rosefinch, Hill Pigeon etc. Afternoon visit to Hemis area after Stok Palace for Tibetan Snowfinch, Eurasian Crag Martin, Northern House Martin, Bearded Vulture, White Wagtail, Red-fronted Serin, Plain Mountain Finch amongst other species.

Nomadic Life

Our founders, Tashi, comes from the Changthang region. He has experienced the nomadic way of living and then transitioned to the modern way of life in Leh. 

He has a deep appreciation and love for his nomadic roots and he understands well that what can be learnt from this way of living and from the mountains is a learning that has to be lived and experienced for oneself.

As a way of developing conscious and ethical traveling, he was instrumental in coming up with the idea of living with the nomadic Changpa people who practice this unique way of living even in the remote regions of Ladakh. 

Stay with the nomads in Changthang- at Korzok, Tsokar valley, Kargyam valley and Kharnak. Go hiking with the shepherds to take the yaks for grazing in the high mountains. Learn how they make local cheese and butter.

Educational Tours

Edventure ladakh firmly believes that young adults and especially students must undergo the education that can only be achieved through experiencing local ways of living and cross-cultural immersion. We facilitate educational and study group programs for Universities and Schools who wish to make traveling and experiencing indigenous culture a part of their learning curriculum.

We provide curated learning experiences with local guides and experts who work and travel along with the students to familiarize them with the indigenous practices, traditional customs, local ways of living and coexisting in harmony with nature. 

If this is something that speaks to you and you are an educator or a student excited to venture into the unknown and learn by traveling,

Cultural Trips

Our travelers journey with us to create immersive cross-cultural experiences and live with the indigenous people in far-flung, little-known nooks and valleys of Ladakh to learn more about the sustainable indigenous practices.


We also offer curated experiences to learn new skills such as pottery and basket making, practising local farming and weaving to allow our travelers to carry with them these local skills and to also appreciate the efforts of the local artisans.


The unique cultural immersion we offer is made possible by working closely with local communities and stakeholders- be it farmers or nomads or even local artists. This closer axis allows us to experience Ladakh in a new light- not just as mere tourists but to carry the authentic, tangible experience that defines a place.

Chadar Trek

Between the Zanskar gorge flows the mighty Zanskar river. This winter trail is more popular with adventure tourists and travelers. The frozen river trek flanked by the Zanskar range is an experience only few dare to attempt in the harsh Ladakhi winter season.


We take trained experts, guides and porters to facilitate your trek and observe rare wildlife while trekking. But more important than anything else is to understand the severity of the Ladakh winters and to travel with the right expectations. This trek is definitely not for the faint-hearted and one is expected to behave with empathy and cooperate with the trekking guides and porters.


We contribute to the local economy by using locally-sourced materials during our trek and hiring as many locals as possible in our group. Since this region is also very sensitive ecologically, we hold workshops before we embark on the trek to embed safety guidelines and recommended eco-friendly practices.


This challenging trek takes place in the months of January and February.

 Ladakh: The Land of High Passes

Ladakh is one of the last frontiers of the ancient world. One of the least populated regions of India, this desolate valley is located in the lap of the Himalayan ranges. Lying on the leeward side of the mountains, Ladakh is essentially a cold desert. It has so far managed to preserve its culture and traditions, protected as it is by its harsh terrains and an even harsher climate.


The development boom in India has not yet penetrated the remotest valleys of this region. As such, the cultural immersion one can experience in Ladakh is definitely second to none. It is also a deeply spiritual place, it is not uncommon to find a gompa or a monastery in almost every village. 


Most of our itineraries are designed around different parts of Ladakh, appreciating its diverse beauty and landscapes. During our stay here, we stay with the local nomads in the windswept Changthang plateau, we work with farmers in the Gya village, witness awe-inspiring mountain peaks and landscapes and learn about the local lifestyle while staying in homestays.


There are curated course learning experiences with the local artisans where our students and travelers learn handicrafts, basket-weaving, pottery and sculpture. We also explore cultural boundaries through philosophy classes and learn about the geology and history of Ladakh. There are also specialized bird-watching trips to witness the migratory birds that flock during the spring and summer seasons.


Through traveling in Ladakh, one can learn much about themselves- it’s a personal journey amidst the snow-clad peaks. Learning about the environment, glaciers, unique wildlife and flora and surviving in the harsh climate is what our travelers look forward to on their journey
